I told you that Christine Feehan was still awing me... I picked up Safe Harbor yesterday and ended up reading the whole thing in one sitting. As cheesy as it might sound, for now all I'm going to say is: I laughed until it hurt, I cried until there was pain and in the end I was just so damn happy that I wanted to start all over again at the beginning!
I'm going to do a more thorough review of this book in the next couple days but I had to stop right now and say, at least, this much. I LOVED IT!!!!!!!
So who knew that it would be so tough to actually keep an up-to-date blog? I didn't think it would...
In any case, I'm just sort of saying hello and nice to see you today... I've been working for the past three weeks on the first chapter-episode for a virtual season 8 of Gilmore Girls, as I was the unfortunate one who said "sure I'll start it up!", and so I've been sort of hibernating and ignoring all attempts at virtual interactions. But I'm coming to the end of that so I should be a bit more attentive here in the coming weeks. Although in all honesty, by concentrating on vs8 I've been ignoring and avoiding working on any of my own writing projects and so now all of them are falling behind. :|
Oh well that's all for today, besides saying that I'm going to be posting my reading list for June in the next week or so. The list this month includes some new releases, new authors and old favorites, and it includes a few books that I've been avoiding reading or just plain ignoring as possible reads and now, truth be told I'm kicking my own ass because they turned out to really good! lol!
See you all again soon!