I'm a writer, (aspiring) author, and book/movie/music blogger.
I'm a wife, mother, daughter, sister and aunt and I write about my life and my family on a blog dedicated to those topics called A Corner Table in My World.
My love of reading is practically genetic, a past time that was encouraged from the time I was first able to decipher the words on a page. It's not uncommon to find most, if not all, of my family with books in our hands during our down time. If you don't find us reading it's a good bet you'll find us watching movies or TV, listening to music, or some combination of the above.
This blog came to be while my own children were small and I needed an outlet to share my interests with someone. Ups, Down, Ins & Outs has changed quite a bit over the years but at it's core it's still an outlet for me to share my thoughts and opinions about the books, movies, TV shows, and music that I read, watch or hear.
Making up my own stories began at a young age, while the idea of writing those stories down myself didn't evolve until I had young children of my own. Some of the stories I've created I've merely shared with my friends and family, other stories were kept as my own. Sometimes the words would be jotted down in note books, in diaries, and even on scrap pieces of paper. Eventually I decided to write them with the goal of publishing and sharing them with the world. I haven't accomplished that goal yet but I'm still working on it, and I refuse to give up.
To learn more about my writing and stories please visit my author site Inside My Mind, or you can also visit the My Fanfiction page to see the titles I've written in that sphere.
I always like to hear from readers, authors, writers, and other bloggers and can be contacted by email at: updowninoutblog@gmail.com.
You can also keep in touch with me by following me on social media:
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