Saturday, May 2, 2009

Favorite Vamp Series EVER!!!

Well, well, well....

It's been months and months of waiting, of sucking back Lag and Goose and chilling with the other Cellies but the time has finally come for us to visit our old friends again. That's right all you females and males - LOVER AVENGED, our man Rhevenge's story, is finally out and from all the buzz I've been hearing it's just one more example of why our favorite WARDen is the best that there is. (If you have no idea what I'm talking about please, please visit JR Ward's Homepage and also check out the BDB Message Boards)

For the last week I've been reading the other books in the series, visiting the Brothers and reminiscing. Now, I'm seriously psyched to get my hands on Rhev and find out whats been happening in Caldwell and how everyone is dealing.

Seriously can't wait.

Yup, yup. I finished up Lover Enshrined, again, earlier tonight (but unfortunately after my local bookstore closed) and now I'm literally vibrating in anticipation. If you see some majorly hyped person at your bookstore first thing tomorrow morning, and if she's devouring Lover Avenged even as she's waiting in line to pay for the thing, then chances are pretty damn good that that girl, she just might be me.

Or maybe just some other whacked Cellie who's just as addicted to the BDB as I am. Completely possible, considering.

I GUARANTEE that you will see a review for this book soon. BDB and me? We go way back and I like to take any chance I can get to blab about them.... As a related note, I will be putting up a review for The Mage too - I've had to read the book a couple of times and take some time for digestion before I felt comfortable writing about it. Soon... I hope, but I'm making no time line promises for that one.

Well for now that's it. After all, if I'm going to be at the bookstore at 10AM to get my fix I should probably try to get a couple of hours of sleep.

See you soon!!!

Woooooooooo Hoooooooooooo!!!!!!!

Caldwell Here I Come!!!!!