Tuesday, October 4, 2011

What I Read During What Was Left of September

·         Lion’s Heat
·         Styx’s Storm
·         Navarro’s Promise

The next book in the Breeds series will be released in November and it features Lawe, one of Jonas’s personal security officers, and a Lion who has always professed a deep wariness of mating and mating heat.  I look forward to reading this novel and seeing how he manages to deal with the pressure!  Look for Lawe’s Justice online and in bookstores near you on November 26, 2011.

·         Summer of Two Wishes
·         One Season of Sunshine
·         A Light at Winter’s End

These are all contemporary romance novels in her connected novels, Cedar Springs series.  They are nice stories that are really good and interesting reads.  If you're looking for something that's a sweet read - definitely check these out!

·         Lucan
·         Rion
·         Jordan

These Kearney novels are the books of the Pendragon Legacy and use a twist on the myths and legends of King Arthur, Merlin, Avalon, the Knights of the Round Table, and the Holy Grail.  All things that I’m vastly interested in (and mildly obsessed with!), so keep your eyes open for reviews of these books and other Arthurian based entertainment.  And really there is so much to choose from I could talk about it for ever.  Or write about it indefinitely as the case may be!

So that’s what I read during the second half of September! To see what I manage to read during October check back here around the 15th and 31st

Until then, keep reading, watching, writing, and doing whatever else most entertains you!!

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