Thursday, January 12, 2017

Right Now

When I started Ups, Downs, Ins & Outs (years and years, and years ago) I didn’t have any defined goal about what I was going to do with the page: what I would talk about, who I was trying to reach, or even how I intended to reach them. I didn’t sit down and build a plan, or set down in black and white where and how I would work with the blog.

Over the years I’ve posted at random – frequent, infrequent. I’ve posted reading lists, rants (and raves) about things I’ve seen/read online, book/movie/TV show reviews, and more. I’ve run contests, done interviews, hosted guest bloggers, run events.
Some things have been popular, some haven’t.

Some things have gone well, some haven’t.

I’ve worked with promotion companies, privately with authors, and for my own pleasure.

I never set out to make money as a book blogger – though there isn’t a single one of us that wouldn’t love to make something, sometime, somehow.

For years, I reviewed books that I’d lovingly selected and bought from the book store, or as technology changed the e-books that I purchased online. In the last couple years, I’ve been lucky enough to receive some copies of e-books from authors or through promotion companies and I’ve reviewed those. (I will admit there have been 3 or 4 books in the last 3 years that after reading the books sent to me, I simply couldn’t review – though I’ll keep the reasons to myself.)

Being a book blogger has been a journey that I’ve enjoyed all these years, in all the various ways that I’ve done it. There have been good times and bad, good people and bad. I wouldn’t a change a moment.

This is not a goodbye. I’m not going anywhere.

I will still be reading and reviewing. I will still be talking about and sharing books I liked, or didn’t. I’ll still be fangirl-ing all about favorite authors and such. I’ll still be sharing music that I love, movies that me and my family watch, fanfiction that I read and enjoy. Princess will still be sharing some of the books that she particularly loves too.

But, life in the Corner Table House is changing once again and as with most changes in our lives it means that our schedules will change. Over the next several months (and more) my availability and, quite simply put, my energy will likely decrease for a while. My Facebook page will continue to have (near) daily updates and I encourage you to follow me there – I always link blog posts there so you’ll be assured you won’t miss anything. I’m also on Twitter, G+, and Instagram and would love to see you there as well. And you can always reach me by email… I will actually be setting up new email accounts for my blogs by the end of the month and will let everyone know about those ASAP.

For now it’s time for me to say good day.

Until next time…. Happy reading, writing, or whatever you may be doing!!

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