Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Fanfiction Worth Reading

As I’ve mentioned before one of the things that I enjoy doing is reading and writing fanfiction stories.  One of the largest, though by no means the only FF-archive online, is  Here a fanfiction writer can publish and enjoy stories based on television shows, movies, books, cartoons, comics, games, anime and plays.  There are some truly superb writers, and of course there are some that are just bad, and when I’m lucky enough to come across stories by these writers I can’t try not to deny the impulse to point them out to others.   Which is the point today.

This author has written 43 stories for Gilmore Girls and Veronica Mars.  The stories range from single chapter ‘one-shots’, to multi-chapter lengths.  Among the titles, my favorites include: The Sleep Fakers, Bathroom Monkey, What Happens When, Across the Pond, and Refuge. 

The newest releases, or posted, are 2 new one-shots for Gilmore Girls that is set several years after the series finally.  Amends gives readers and fans another avenue of approach for the rescue of the Rory and Logan relationship.  While Normal Is the Watchword is something of a sequel to Amends but is set several months after and features a not quite normal day between Rory and Logan after their reconciliation.  I’ve got to tell you that both of these stories are really good.  Unlike some, they don’t stray too far from the believable, nor do they venture away from the “feel” of Gilmore Girls that we loved on the show.  Like with the other titles this author has written Amends and Normal Is the Watchword will be added to my favorites list.

A random draw from my list of favorites gives you these stories/authors to check out and read:

Call and Answer  by citygrl  (a Gilmore Girls Trory-ship, post season 5)

Helping Rory by KRiSTiNEDAHLiNG  (a Gilmore Girls Rogan-ship, post season 5)

He Lied by Wildly Obsessed (a Gilmore Girls Trory friendship, approx season 1-2)

Life As We Know It by AnimalLuv (a Gilmore Girls Rogan-ship, AU/AR)

Choices by filesfreak4life (a One Tree Hill Leyton-ship, AU/AR)

Dark Chronicles by Idle-Daydreamer (a Carpathian story)

Dark Memory by LilithsShadowHounds (a Carpathian story)

Inner Eye by SMILES01 (a Dark-Hunter – Black Dagger Brotherhood crossover story)

Thanks everyone! It’s amazing to me how many really good writers there are out there just waiting to be discovered! I hope you’ll enjoy some of the reading that I’ve recommended and/or find something else that catches eye, holds your interest and manages to ensnare your imagination. 

Happy reading, happy writing and happy life!

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