Friday, February 2, 2018

FAOM: You Are Going to Love This GIVEAWAY!

Even though the month is only a couple days shorter than the rest, it always seems to me like February is way, way, way shorter. Like blink and you’ll miss it short. Is it just me? Anyone else out there?

Anyways…. Because it is so ridiculously shorter than every other month of the year I’m not wasting any time getting the February FAOM Giveaway going!

As always, you’ll have a number of different ways to enter. Some get you a single entry, some get your name in a couple times in one step, and there’s one option you can do every day of the giveaway to get your name in LOTS of times. Each option only takes a minute or two to complete, so take the time – I promise you won’t be sorry!

Now because I love Rebekah and because Rebekah loves all of YOU we’re giving away 3 AWESOME PRIZES!!!

Prize #1
a paperback copy of Life’s Defeat, book 1 in The Life’s series.

Prize #2
e-book copies of The Life’s series: Life’s Defeat,
Life’s Hope, and Life’s Inception
*note: Life’s Inception releases March 5th

Prize #3
a package of Author-Drawn Book (inspired) Illustrations
and additional Book Swag

Like I said, pretty amazing right?

Enter today. It is sssssssooooooooo worth it.

And a couple little notes:
à When you visit us on Facebook – like and/or comment on a post, like our pages, or share something you’ve seen… Facebook algorithms have our visibility declining every single day but even some simple engagement helps our posts to be seen. You don’t have to do this to enter, but it sure would help us out.

à Make sure to leave a blog comment on this post to get credit for your entry… I don’t like doing it, but I will discount your entry if there isn’t a corresponding comment. It’s worth 5 entries, don’t miss out on them for no good reason! (I cannot tell you how sad I was when I had to discount blog comment entries in last month’s giveaway for this reason, please don’t make me do it again.)

Have fun everyone and GOOD LUCK!


Nicole Pyles said...

What a nice way to start out the month! :)

Kai said...

Yep! It's awesome! Hope you enjoy the month!

Martha Dunlop said...

I'd love to check out Rebekah's books!